Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Subject |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
T + D |
v.55(2001)- |
Print |
Business |
HF5559.5 .T7T7 |
W |
T.H.E. Journal |
v.26(1999)-v.33:7(Feb 2006) |
Print |
Education |
LB1028.3 .J69 |
M |
T.U.B.A. Journal |
v.23(1996)-v.38(2001) |
Print |
Music |
ML1 .T82 |
M |
T: New York Times Style Magazine |
2005- |
Print |
Fashion Merchandising |
AP2 .T2 |
M |
Talking Points |
v.10(1999)- |
Newsletter |
Education |
LB1576 .T2295 |
M |
Tamkang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
v.7(2001)- |
Print |
Social Science |
AS455 .A1 T356 |
M |
Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering |
v.3(2000)- |
Print |
Engineering |
TA4 D24 |
M |
Tax Adviser |
v.3(1972)- |
Print |
Accounting |
K24 .A84 |
W |
Tax Lawyer |
v.54(2000)- |
Print |
Accounting |
K24 .A92 |
W |
Taxation for Accountants |
v.2(1967)-v.61(1998) |
Print |
Accounting |
HF5681 .T3 T35 |
W |
Taxes |
v.78(1972)- |
Print |
Accounting |
KF6272 .T394 |
W |
TCC and ADR |
v.32(2000) |
Print |
Chemical Engineering |
Archives 44A |
M |
v.48(2004)- |
Print |
Theatre |
PN2000 .D68 |
M |
Teacher |
v.84(1966)-v.98(1981) |
Microfilm |
Education |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Teachers College Record |
v.24(1923)-v.59(1958) |
Print |
Education |
Archives 44A |
M |
Teachers College Record (0040-0475) | v.60(1958)-v.68(1967) |
Print |
Education |
L11 .T4 | M |
Teachers College Record (0161-4681) | v.72(1970)- |
Print |
Education |
L11 .T4 | M |
Teaching Children Mathematics |
v.2(1996)- |
Print |
Mathematical Sciences |
QA135 .A6 |
M |
Teaching Education |
v.11(2000)- |
Print |
Education |
LB1715 .T42 |
M |
Teaching Education Journal |
v.9(1997)-v.10(1999) |
Print |
Education |
LB1715 .T42 |
M |
Teaching Elementary Physical Education |
v.13(2002)-v.17:6(Nov 2006) |
Print |
Human Performance |
GV443 .T43 |
M |
Teaching English in the Two Year College |
v.11(1984)- |
Print |
Education |
PE1065 .T4 |
M |
Teaching Exceptional Children |
v.1(1968), v.3(1970)- |
Print |
Education |
LC3950 .T4 |
M |
Teaching Geography |
v.4(1978)-v.30(2005) |
Print |
Geography |
G76.5.G7 T42 |
M |
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications |
v.23(2004)- |
Print |
Mathematical Sciences |
QA11 .A1 T43 |
M |
Teaching Music |
v.1(1993)-v.14:5(2007) |
Print |
Music |
MT1 .T35 |
M |
Technology and Disability |
v.1(1991)-v.2(1993), v.11(1999)- |
Print |
Social Work |
HV1551 .T43 |
M |
Technology Review |
v.101(1998)- |
Print |
Technology |
T171 .M47 |
W |
Technology Special Interest Section Quarterly |
previous twelve months |
Newsletter |
Occupational Therapy |
Newsletter |
M |
Technology Teacher |
v.43(1983)- |
Print |
Technology |
T61 .M28 |
W |
Technometrics |
v.32(1990)-v.37(1995), v.40(1998)-v.45(2003), v.47(2005)- |
Print |
Mathematical Sciences |
QA276 .T4 |
M |
TechTrends |
v.30(1985)- |
Print |
Education |
LB1043 .A815 |
M |
Tennessean |
1965- |
Microfilm |
Newspaper |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Tennessean |
previous sixty days |
Print |
Newspaper |
Newspaper Rack |
M |
Tennessean |
Current Issues |
Print |
Newspaper |
Reference |
W |
Tennessee Ancestors |
v.14(1998)- |
Print |
History |
F435 .T33 |
M |
Tennessee Archaeologist |
v.11(1955)-v.37(1981) |
Print |
Anthropology |
F438 .T4 |
W |
Tennessee Banker |
v.72(1981)- |
Print |
Economics |
HG1501 .T44 |
W |
Tennessee Conservationist |
v.20(1954)-v.45(1979) |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
SK351 .T4 |
W |
Tennessee CPA |
v.34(1989)-v.42(1997) |
Print |
Accounting |
HF5601 .T466 |
W |
Tennessee Economic Development Quarterly |
v.00(2006)- |
Print |
Economics |
HC107 .T3E44 |
W |
Tennessee Education |
v.1(1971)- |
Print |
Education |
L11 .T3725 |
M |
Tennessee Educational Leadership |
v.22(1995)- |
Print |
Education |
L11 .T23 |
M |
Tennessee Gardener |
v.6(2006)- |
Print |
Agricultural Sciences |
SB453.2 T2 T46 |
M |
Tennessee Historical Magazine |
v.1(1915)-v.9(1925) |
Print |
History |
Archives 44A |
M |
Tennessee Historical Magazine (Series II) |
v.1(1930)-v.3(1932) |
Print |
History |
Archives 44A |
M |
Tennessee Historical Quarterly |
v.1(1942)-v.17(1958), v.20(1961)- |
Print |
History |
F431 .T285 |
M |
Tennessee Historical Quarterly |
v.31(1972)-v.62(2003) |
Microfilm |
History |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Tennessee Law Review |
v.19(1947)- |
Print |
Law |
K24 .E5 |
M |
Tennessee Law Review |
v.2(1923)-v.48(1946) |
Print |
Law |
K24 .E5 |
W |
Tennessee Musician |
v.20(1967)-v.40(1988), v.50(1997)- |
Print |
Music |
ML1 .T46 |
M |
Tennessee Planner |
v.4(1943)-v.34(1978) |
Print |
Economics |
HC107 .T3T43 |
W |
Tennessee Poetry Journal |
v.1(1967)-v.4(1971) |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
PS558 .T2T4 |
W |
Tennessee Reading Teacher |
v.36(2008)- |
Print |
Education |
LB1050 .T46 |
M |
Tennessee School Boards Journal |
v.2(1984)- |
Print |
Education |
LB2831 .T4 T43 |
M |
Tennessee Survey of Business |
v.1(1965)-v.10(1975) |
Print |
Business |
HC107 .T3T46 |
W |
Tennessee Teacher |
v.1(1934)-v.48(1981) |
Microfilm |
Education |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Tennessee Teacher |
v.1(1934)-v.98(1981) |
Microfilm |
Education |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Tennessee Town and City |
v.7(1956)-v.29(1978) |
Print |
Political Science |
JS39 .T38 |
W |
Tennessee Tribune |
previous thirty days |
Print |
Newspaper |
Newspaper Rack |
M |
Tennessee's Children |
TESOL Quarterly |
v.1(1967)-v.23(1989) |
Microfilm |
Languages and Literature |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
TESOL Quarterly |
v.14(2000)- |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
PE1128 .A2 T454 |
M |
Texas Quarterly |
v.1(1958)-v.21(1978) |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
AP2 .T269 |
W |
Texas Studies in Literature and Language |
v.1(1959)-v.25(1983) |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
AS30 .T4 |
W |
Textile Chemist and Colorist and American Dyestuff
Reporter |
v.1(1999) |
Print |
Chemical Engineering |
Archives 44A |
M |
Textile Research Journal |
v.29(1959)-v.59(1989) |
Print |
Chemical Engineering |
Archives 44A |
M |
Textile Research Journal |
v.60(1990)- |
Print |
Engineering |
TS1300 .T43 |
M |
Textile World |
v.103(1953)-v.139(1989) |
Print |
Chemical Engineering |
Archives 44A |
M |
Textile World |
v.140(1990)- |
Print |
Engineering |
TS1300 .T35 |
M |
Theatre Arts |
v.19(1935)-v.47(1963) |
Print |
Theatre |
Archives 44A |
M |
Theatre Crafts |
v.13(1979)-v.32(1986) |
Print |
Theatre |
Archives 44A |
M |
Theatre Journal |
v.51(1999)- |
Print |
Theatre |
PN3171 .E8 |
M |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics |
v.100(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH301 .Z94 |
M |
Theory Into Practice |
v.29(1990)- |
Print |
Education |
LB1028 .T42 |
M |
Therapeutic Recreation Journal |
v.14(1980)-v.32(1998) |
Print |
Human Performance |
Archives 44A |
M |
Theriogenology |
v.53(2000)- |
Print |
Agricultural Sciences |
SF105.7 .T5 |
M |
Thorax |
v.40(1985)-v.49(1994), v.52(1992)-v.53(1998) |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
Archives 44A |
M |
Threads |
no.93(2001)- |
Print |
Fashion Merchandising |
TT697 .T48 |
M |
Thrust |
v.1:4(Feb 1972)-v.19(1990) |
Print |
Education |
Archives 44A |
M |
Thrust for Educational Leadership |
v.20(1990)-v.29(2000) |
Print |
Education |
Archives 44A |
M |
Time |
v.147(1996)- |
Print |
Political Science |
AP2 .T37 |
M |
Time |
v.143(1998)- |
Print |
Political Science |
AP2 .T37 |
W |
Time |
v.149(1997)-v.159(2001) |
Microfiche |
Political Science |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Time |
v.95(1970)-v.128(1986) |
Microfiche |
Political Science |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Time |
v.1(1923)-v.94(1969), v.113(1988)-v.147(1996) |
Microfilm |
Popular Interest |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Times Educational Supplement |
1984-1996 |
Print |
Education |
Archives 44B |
M |
Times Educational Supplement |
1974-1977 |
Microfilm |
Education |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Times Educational Supplement |
1997- |
Print |
Education |
L16 .T6 |
M |
TLS The Times Literary Supplement |
1974-1977 |
Microfilm |
Languages and Literature |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
TLS The Times Literary Supplement |
1998- |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
AP4 .T45 . |
M |
Today’s Education |
v.49(1960)-v.52(1963), v.57(1968)-v.69(1980) |
Microfilm |
Education |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Today’s Health |
v.1(1923)-v.48(1970) |
Microfilm |
Health Sciences |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Today's Black Woman |
v.10(2004)- |
Print |
Africana Studies |
HQ |
W |
Today's CPA |
v.28(2001)- |
Print |
Accounting |
HF5601 .T49 |
W |
Today's Therapeutic Trends |
v.17(1999)-v.21(2003) |
Print |
Dental Hygiene |
RM16 .J6 |
M |
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation |
v.9(1994)- |
Print |
Occupational Therapy |
RC952.5 .T66 |
M |
Topics in Health Information Management |
v.13(1992)-v.24:1(2003) |
Print |
Health Information Management |
RA976 .T66 |
M |
Topics in Health Record Management |
v.5(1984-1985) |
Microfilm |
Health Information Management |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Topics in Health Record Management |
v.4(1983)-v.12(1992) |
Print |
Health Information Management |
RA976 .T66 |
M |
Topics in Language Disorders |
v.3(1982)- |
Print |
Speech Pathology |
RC423 .A1T66 |
W |
Traditional Home |
v.13(2002)- |
Print |
Interior Design |
NK2002 .N73 |
M |
Training and Development |
v.45(1991)-v.55(2001) |
Print |
Business |
HF5549.5 .T7T7 |
W |
Training and Development Journal |
v.22(1968)-v.45(1991) |
Print |
Business |
HF5549.5 .T7T7 |
W |
Transactions of the A.S.M.E |
v.1(1880)-v.80(1958) |
Microfilm |
Mechanical Engineering |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society |
NS25(1935)-NS47(1957) |
Microfilm |
Philosophy |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Transportation Engineering Journal of ASCE |
v.95(1969)-v.108(1982) |
Print |
Civil Engineering |
Archives 44A |
M |
Transportation Journal |
v.9(1970)- |
Print |
Engineering |
HE1 .T826 |
M |
Trauma, Violence and Abuse |
v.2:3(July 2001)- |
Print |
Sociology |
HV6626.5 .T73 |
M |
Trends |
v.23(2007)- |
Print |
Interior Design |
NK1700 .T73 |
M |
Trends in Biochemical Sciences |
v.25(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH345 .T76 |
M |
Trends in Biotechnology |
v.18(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
TP248.13 .T74 |
M |
Trends in Cell Biology |
v.10(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH573 .T73 |
M |
Trends in Cognitive Sciences |
v.4(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QP360.5 T74 |
M |
Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
v.15(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH540 .T67 |
M |
Trends in Genetics |
v.16(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH426 .T72 |
M |
Trends in Immunology |
v.22(2001)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QR180 .I539 |
M |
Trends in Microbiology |
v.8(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QR1 .T74 |
M |
Trends in Molecular Medicine |
v.7(2001)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QH306 .M654 |
M |
Trends in Neurosciences |
v.23(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QP351 .T69 |
M |
Trends in Parasitology |
v.17(2001)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QR25 .P37 |
M |
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences |
v.21(2000)- |
Print |
Dental Hygiene |
RM300 .T74 |
M |
Trends in Plant Science |
v.5(2000)- |
Print |
Biological Sciences |
QK1 .T74 |
M |
TriQuarterly |
v.107(2000)- |
Print |
Popular Interest |
AP2 .T7 |
W |
Tri-State Defender |
previous thirty days |
Print |
Newspaper |
Newspaper Rack |
M |
Trusts and Estates |
v.125(1986)- |
Print |
Finance |
HG4341 .T8 |
W |
Trusts and Estates |
v.119(1979-1980) |
Microfilm |
Finance |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Tuesday and Tuesday at Home |
v.1(1965)-v.7(1971) |
Microfilm |
Africana Studies |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Twentieth Century Literature |
v.36(1990)- |
Print |
Languages and Literature |
PN2 .T8 |
M |