Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
Christian Century |
v.99(1982)-v.106(1989) |
Print |
Archives 37A |
M |
Christian Century |
v.107(1990)- |
Print |
BR1 .C45 |
M |
Christian Century |
v.81(1964)-v.102(1985) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Christianity Today |
v.15(1970)-v.33(1989) |
Print |
Archives 37A |
M |
Christianity Today |
v.34(1990)- |
Print |
BR1 .C6418 |
M |
Ethics |
v.62(1951)-v.99(1988) |
Print |
BJ1 .E7 |
W |
Humanist |
v.38(1978)-v.65(2005), v.69(2009)- |
Print |
B821 .A1 H8 |
M |
Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and
the Social Sciences |
v.11(1968)- |
Print |
B1 .I5 |
W |
International Yoga Guide |
v.34(1996)- |
Print |
B132 .Y6 I58 |
M |
Islamic Horizons |
v.25(1996)-v.35:5(Sep-Oct 2006) |
Print |
BP1 .I676 |
M |
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion |
v.44(2005)- |
Print |
BL1 .J6 |
M |
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion |
v.16(1976)-v.35(1995) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Journal of Philosophy |
v.92(1995)-v.94(1997) |
Print |
B1 .J6 |
W |
Journal of Philosophy |
v.87(1990)- |
Print |
B1. J6 |
M |
Journal of Religion, Disability and Health |
v.7(2003)- |
Print |
BV4460 .J68 |
M |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
v.73(2005)- |
Print |
BV1460 .N23 |
M |
Liberty |
v.55(1960)-v.102:3(2007) |
Print |
BX6101 .L7 |
M |
Monist |
v.88(2005)- |
Print |
B1 .M7 |
M |
Monist |
v.50(1966)- |
Print |
B1 .M7 |
W |
Mosaic of Louisville Seminary |
v.8(2001)- |
Print |
BV4070 .L6956 M67 |
M |
Philosophical Review |
v.99(1990)- |
Print |
B1 .P5 |
M |
Philosophical Review |
v.28(1919)-v.104(1995) |
Print |
B1 .P5 |
W |
Philosophy and Public Affairs |
v.26(1996)- |
Print |
H1 .P54 |
W |
Religion in Life |
v.26(1957)-v.31(1962) |
Print |
Archives 43B |
M |
SGI Quarterly |
v.19(2000)- |
Print |
BQ8400 .S45 |
M |
Sociology of Religion |
v.54:1,4(1993)-v.60(1999),v.66:1(Spring 2005), v.67(2006)- |
Print |
BL60 .S626 |
M |
Southern Journal of Philosophy |
v.1(1963)- |
Print |
B1 .S57 |
M |
Southern Seminary |
v.69(2001)- |
Print |
BX6201 .S68 |
M |
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society |
NS25(1935)-NS47(1957) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |