Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
Child Welfare |
v.55(1976)- |
Print |
HV701 .C56 |
M |
Child Welfare |
v.1(1922)-v.63(1984) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Clinical Social Work Journal |
v.33(2005)- |
Print |
HV1 .C63 |
M |
Journal of Education for Social Work |
v.1(1965)-v.12(1976) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work |
v.13(2004)- |
Print |
HV3176 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work |
v.1(2004)- |
Print |
HV40 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Family Social Work |
v.1(1995)- |
Print |
HV697 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Gerontological Social Work |
v.6(1983)- |
Print |
HV1452 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Health and Social Policy |
v.18(2003)-v.22(2007) |
Print |
RA418 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved |
v.7(1996)- |
Print |
RA418.5 .P6 J68 |
M |
Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services |
v.3(2004)- |
Print |
RA643.75 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work |
v.23(2004)- |
Print |
HN30 .S58 |
M |
Journal of Social Work |
v.5(2005)- |
Print |
HV1 .J594 |
M |
Journal of Social Work Education |
v.21(1985)- |
Print |
HV11 .J66 |
M |
Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation |
v.3(2004)- |
Print |
HV1553 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Teaching in Social Work |
v.24(2004)- |
Print |
HV11 .J68 |
M |
Social Service Review |
v.64(1990)- |
Print |
HV1 .S6 |
M |
Social Work |
v.1(1956)- |
Print |
HV1 .S644 |
M |
Social Work |
v.1(1956)-v.19(1974), v.31(1986)-v.33(1988) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Social Work in Health Care |
v.40(2004)- |
Print |
HV687 .A2 S6 |
M |
Social Work in Mental Health |
v.2(2003)- |
Print |
HV689 .S678 |
M |
Social Work in Public Health |
v.23(2007)- |
Print |
RA418 .J68 |
M |
Social Work with Groups |
v.27(2004)- |
Print |
HV45 .S63 |
M |
Technology and Disability |
v.1(1991)-v.2(1993), v.11(1999)- |
Print |
HV1551 .T43 |
M |