Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
Aging |
v.1(1951)-v.194(1970) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Aging and Human Development |
v.1(1970), v.3(1972) |
Print |
Archives 33A |
M |
American City |
v.66(1951)-v.90(1975) |
Print |
HT101 .A5 |
W |
American City and County |
v.91(1976)-v.104(1989) |
Print |
HT101 .A5 |
W |
American Journal of Sociology |
v.95(1989)- |
Print |
HM1. .A7 |
M |
American Sociological Review |
v.56(1991)- |
Print |
HM1 .A75 |
M |
Annals of Regional Science |
v.5(1971)-v.23(1999) |
Print |
HT390 .A55 |
W |
Contemporary Sociology |
v.1(1972)-v.3(1974), v.26(1997)- |
Print |
HM1 .C65 |
M |
Ethnic and Racial Studies |
v.1(1978)- |
Print |
HT1501 .E73 |
M |
Europe |
no.211(1979)-no.234(1982) |
Print |
HD9525 .AE52 |
W |
European Community |
no.108(1967)-no.210(1982) |
Print |
HD9525 .A2E52 |
W |
Families in Society |
v.71(1990)- |
Print |
HV1 .J56 |
M |
Family Process |
v.17(1978)- |
Print |
RC488.5 .A1F3 |
W |
Family Relations |
v.54(2005)- |
Print |
HQ1 .F36 |
M |
Fifty Plus |
v.19(1979)-v.28(1988) |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Opinion Index |
Jan 1967-Jan 1981 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Political Index |
Jan 1966-Dec 1966 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Poll Briefing |
Jan 2006-Dec 2008 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Poll Monthly |
Dec 1989-Mar 2002 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing |
Apr 2002-Dec 2005 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Gallup Report |
Feb 1981-Nov 1989 |
Print |
Archives 38A |
M |
Growth and Change |
v.4(1973)- |
Print |
HT390 .G74 |
W |
Human Relations |
v.43(1990)-v.46(1993) |
Print |
H1 .H8 |
W |
Human Relations |
v.47(1994)-v.52(1999), v.55(2001) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Imprimis |
previous twelve months |
Newsletter |
Newsletter |
M |
International Journal of Aging and Human Development |
v.4(1973)- |
Print |
HQ1060 .A33 |
M |
International Journal of Sociology |
v.36(2006)- |
Print |
HM1 .I56 |
W |
International Journal of the Sociology of Law |
v.12(1984)- |
Print |
K9 .N844 |
M |
International Social Science Review |
v.57(1982)- |
Print |
H1 .S55 |
M |
Journal of Aging and Health |
v.12(2000)-v.18(2006) |
Print |
RA564.8 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Aging and Social Policy |
v.16(2004)- |
Print |
HV1457 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse |
v.13(2004)- |
Print |
HV6570 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Community Practice |
v.10(2002)- |
Print |
HN1 .J53 |
M |
Journal of Family Issues |
v.21(2000)- |
Print |
HQ1 J463 |
M |
Journal of Gerontology |
v.33(1978)-v.42(1987) |
Print |
HQ1060 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Gerontology |
v.1(1946)-v.33(1978) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Homosexuality |
v.46(2003)- |
Print |
HQ75 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment |
v.9(2004)- |
Print |
HM251 .J54 |
M |
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy |
v.5(1979)- |
Print |
HQ1 .J47 |
M |
Journal of Marriage and Family |
v.63(2001)- |
Print |
HQ1 .J48 |
M |
Journal of Marriage and the Family |
v.42(1980)- |
Print |
HQ1 .J48 |
M |
Journal of Marriage and the Family |
v.1(1939)-v.32(1970) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |
v.58(1990)- |
Print |
HM251 .J56 |
M |
Journal of Popular Culture |
v.10(1976)-v.16(1983) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Journal of Social History |
v.39(2006)- |
Print |
HN1 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Social Issues |
v.1(1945)- |
Print |
NH51 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Social Psychology |
v.1(1930)- |
Print |
HM251 .A1 J6 |
M |
Journal of Social Service Research |
v.1(1977)- |
Print |
HV1 .J58 |
M |
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare |
v.1(1973)- |
Print |
HN1 .J63 |
M |
Journal of the Community Development Society |
v.8(1972)-v.35(2004) |
Print |
HM1 .C63 |
W |
Journal of Women, Politics and Policy |
v.27(2005)- |
Print |
HQ1236 .W63 |
M |
Massachusetts Review |
v.1(1959)-v.24(1983) |
Print |
AS30 .M3 A22 |
W |
Monthly Review |
v.33(1981)- |
Print |
HX1 .M66 |
W |
Monthly Review |
v.1(1949)-v.32(1981) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Multicultural Review |
v.1(1982)- |
Print |
Z711.8 .J68 |
M |
Population Bulletin |
v.28(1972)-v.36(1980), v.38(1982)-v.43(1988) |
Print |
HB881 .A1P65 |
W |
Public Historian |
v.9(1987)- |
Print |
HN1 .P8 |
M |
Public Welfare |
v.12(1954)-v.55(1997) |
Print |
Archives 43B |
M |
Reporter |
v.35(2004)-v.37(2005) |
Print |
HQ763 .Z58 |
M |
Rural Sociology |
v.35(1970)-v.54(1989) |
Print |
Archives 43B |
M |
Rural Sociology |
v.55(1990)- |
Print |
HT401 .R8 |
M |
Sage Urban Studies Abstracts |
v.6(1978)- |
Print |
HT51 .S24 |
W |
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society |
v.2(1976)- |
Print |
HQ1101 .S5 |
W |
Social Casework |
v.1(1920)-v.51(1970), v.67(1986)-v.69(1989) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Social Education |
v.62(1998)- |
Print |
H62 .A1 S6 |
M |
Social Forces |
v.68(1989)- |
Print |
HN51 .S5 |
M |
Social Forces |
v.1(1922)-v.49(1971) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Social Issues and Policy Review |
v.1(2007)- |
Print |
HN28 .S612 |
M |
Social Justice Review |
v.91(2000)- |
Newsletter |
HN37 .C3 S64 |
M |
Social Problems |
v.43(1996)- |
Print |
HN1 .S58 |
W |
Social Psychology Quarterly |
v.58(1990)- |
Print |
HM1 .S8 |
M |
Social Research |
v.43(1976)- |
Print |
H1 .S53 |
M |
Social Service Review |
v.1(1927)-v.54(1980), v.56(1982)-v.57(1983), v.60(1986),
v.62(1988) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Social Studies Professional |
v.155(2000)- |
Newsletter |
H62 .A1 S63 |
M |
Society |
v.9(1972)- |
Print |
H1 .T72 |
M |
Sociological Analysis |
v.1(1940)-v.41(1980) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Sociological Methods and Research |
v.1(1972)- |
Print |
HM1 .S687 |
M |
Sociological Methods and Research |
v.13(1984-1985) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Trauma, Violence and Abuse |
v.2:3(July 2001)- |
Print |
HV6626.5 .T73 |
M |
United States Reports |
v.1(1754)-v.7(1806), v.503-506(1993) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Urban Affairs Quarterly |
v.1(1965)-v.30(1995) |
Print |
HT101 .U67 |
W |
Urban Affairs Review |
v.31(1996)- |
Print |
HT101 .U67 |
W |
Volta Review |
v.68(1966)- |
Print |
HV2350 .V7 |
M |
Volta Voices |
v.1(2004)- |
Print |
HV2510 .V65 |
M |