Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
America |
v.1(1909)-v.139(1978) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
American Journal of Political Science |
v.45(2001)- |
Print |
JA1 .M5 |
W |
American Political Science Review |
v.85(1991)- |
Print |
JA1 .A6 |
M |
Atlas |
v.1(1961)-v.27(1980) |
Print |
AP1 .A83 |
W |
Changing Times |
v.30(1976)-v.44(1990) |
Print |
Archives 37A |
M |
Changing Times |
v.35(1981)-45:6(1991) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Changing Times |
v.21(1967)-v.45(1991) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Civil Rights Digest |
v.5(1972)-v.10(1978) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Commentary |
v.53(1972)-v.76(1983) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Commentary |
v.77(1984)-v.96(1993) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Commonweal |
v.113(1986)- |
Print |
AP2 .C6897 |
W |
Commonweal |
v.88(1968)-v.120(1993) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Congressional Digest |
v.11(1932)-v.33(1954) |
Print |
Archives 37A |
M |
Congressional Digest |
v.32(1953)-v.86(2007) |
Print |
JK1 .C65 |
M |
Congressional Digest |
v.83(2004)- |
Print |
JK1 .C65 |
W |
Foreign Affairs |
v.48(1969)- |
Print |
D410 .F6 |
M |
Foreign Affairs |
v.1(1922)-v.77(1998) |
Print |
D410 .F6 |
W |
Foreign Affairs |
v.1(1922)-v.46(1968) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Freeman Magazine |
v.28(1978)-v.49(1999) |
Print |
AP2 .F9155 |
W |
Georgia Review |
v.1(1947)-v.35(1981) |
Print |
AP2 .G375 |
W |
Harper's (0017-789X) |
v.253:1516(Sept 1976)- |
Print |
AP2 .H3 |
M |
Harper's (0017-789X) |
v.280(1990)-v.299(1999) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Harper's Magazine (1045-7143) |
v.242(1971)-v.253:1515(Aug 1976) |
Print |
AP2 .H3 |
M |
Harper's Magazine (1045-7143) |
v.1(1850)-v.241(1970) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
History of Political Economy |
v.7(1975)- |
Print |
HB1 .H55 |
W |
Ideas On Liberty |
v.50(2000)- |
Print |
HJ9801 .G68 |
W |
International Organization |
v.44(1990)- |
Print |
JX1901 .I55 |
M |
Journal of Palestine Studies |
v.38:2(2009)- |
Print |
DS119.7 .J63 |
M |
Journal of Politics |
v.59(1997)- |
Print |
JA1 .J6 |
W |
Journal of State Government |
v.59(1986)-v.65(1992) |
Print |
JK2403 .S7 |
W |
Journal of Strategic Studies |
v.30(2007)- |
Print |
U162 .J68 |
M |
Middle East Policy |
v.1(1992)-v.7(2000) |
Print |
Archives 41B |
M |
Middle East Review |
v.7(1975)-v.21(1989) |
Print |
Archives 41B |
M |
Middle East Studies Association Bulletin |
v.41(2007)-v.42(2008) |
Print |
DS41 .M533 |
M |
Modern Age |
v.1(1957)- |
Print |
AP2 .M628 |
W |
Mother Jones |
v.28:6(Nov/Dec 2003)- |
Print |
AP2 .N79193 |
M |
Nation |
v.210(1970)- |
Print |
AP2 .N2 |
M |
Nation |
v.208(1969)-v.221(1975), v.230(1980)-v.257(1993) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
National Civic Review |
v.48(1959)- |
Print |
JS39 .N3 |
W |
National Review |
v.1(1955)- |
Print |
AP2 .N3545 |
W |
New Republic |
v.206(1999)- |
Print |
AP2 .N624 |
W |
New Republic |
v.194(1986)-v.220(1999) |
Print |
Archives 42A |
M |
New Republic |
v.162(1970)-v.199(1988) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
New Republic |
v.1(1914)-v.193(1985) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Newsweek |
v.115(1990)- |
Print |
AP2 .N6772 |
M |
Newsweek |
v.123(1998)- |
Print |
AP2 .N6772 |
W |
Newsweek |
v.75(1970)-v.108(1986) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Newsweek |
v.67-v.68(1966), v.97(1981), v.111(1988)-v.128(1997) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Notre Dame Lawyer |
v.43(1967)-v.63(1988) |
Print |
KF175 .N6 |
W |
Perspectives on Politics |
v.1(2003)- |
Print |
JA1 .P485 |
M |
Policy and Politics |
v.6(1978)- |
Print |
J540 .P76 |
W |
Policy Studies Journal |
v.6(1977)- |
Print |
H1 .P72 |
W |
Political Quarterly |
v.40(1969)- |
Print |
JA8 .P72 |
M |
Political Research Quarterly |
v.14(1961)-v.51(1998) |
Print |
JA1 .W4 |
W |
Political Science Quarterly |
v.104(1989)- |
Print |
H1 .P8 |
M |
Politics and Policy |
v.35(2007)- |
Print |
JA1 .G46a |
W |
Progressive |
v.42(1978)-v.44(1980), v.52(1988)- |
Print |
AP2 .P8655 |
W |
PS: Political Science and Politics |
v.23(1990)- |
Print |
JA28 .P24 |
M |
Purchasing |
v.64(1967)-v.108(1990) |
Print |
HF5001 .P8 |
W |
Review of Middle East Studies |
v.43(2009)- |
Print |
DS41 .M533 |
M |
Review of Policy Research |
v.21(2004)- |
Print |
H97 .P66 |
W |
Review of Politics |
v.10(1948)-v.57(1995) |
Print |
JA1 .R4 |
W |
Spectrum |
v.65(1992)-v.71(1998) |
Print |
JK2403 .S76 |
W |
State Government |
v.16(1943)-v.62(1989) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
State Government |
v.1(1926)-v.58(1995) |
Print |
JK2403 .S7 |
W |
State Legislatures |
v.6(1980)- |
Print |
JK2403 .S76 |
W |
Tennessee Town and City |
v.7(1956)-v.29(1978) |
Print |
JS39 .T38 |
W |
Time |
v.147(1996)- |
Print |
AP2 .T37 |
M |
Time |
v.143(1998)- |
Print |
AP2 .T37 |
W |
Time |
v.149(1997)-v.159(2001) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Time |
v.95(1970)-v.128(1986) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
U. S. News and World Report |
v.1(May 1933)-v.121(Jan 1997), v.124(Jan 1998)- v.133(Jan
2003) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
U.S. News and World Report |
v.68(1970)-v.109(1990) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
U.S. News and World Report |
v.110(1991)-v.143(2007), v.145(July 2008)- |
Print |
JK1 .U65 |
M |
U.S. News and World Report |
v.118(1995)- |
Print |
JK1 .U65 |
W |
UN Chronicle |
v.13(1976)-v.33(1996) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
UN Monthly Chronicle |
v.2(1965)-v.12(1975) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
UN Monthly Chronicle |
v.1(1963)-v.12(1975) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
United Nations Chronicle |
v.34(1997)- |
Print |
JX1977 .A1 U564 |
M |
Vital Speeches of the Day |
v.1(1934)-v.52(1986) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
West Africa |
1978-Jan 2003 |
Print |
Archives 44B |
M |
Western Political Quarterly |
v.19(1966)-v.21(1968) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
World Marxist Review |
v.17(1974)-v.32(1989) |
Print |
Archives 44B |
M |
World Politics |
v.48(1995)- |
Print |
D839 .W57 |
W |
World Press Review |
v.27(1980)-v.49(2002) |
Print |
AP1 .A83 |
W |