Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal |
v.5(2002)- |
Print |
RA781 .A25 |
M |
Athletic Journal |
v.56(1975)-v.67(1986) |
Print |
GV561 .A75 |
M |
Athletic Therapy Today |
v.10(2005)- |
Print |
RC1200 .A83 |
M |
v.6:23(Nov 2003)- |
Print |
GV561 .E76 |
M |
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews |
v.36(2008)- |
Print |
RC1200 .E95 |
M |
Golf Magazine |
v.45(2003)- |
Print |
GV961 .G623 |
M |
International Journal of Sport Finance |
v.1(2006)- |
Print |
GV716 .I576 |
M |
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching |
v.1(2006)- |
Print |
GV557 .I63 |
M |
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education |
v.2(2008)- |
Print |
GV351 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Applied Physiology; Respiratory, Environmental
and Exercise Physiology |
v.48(1980)-v.57(1984) |
Print |
QP1 .J72 |
M |
Journal of Athletic Training |
v.31(1996)- |
Print |
RC1200 .A84 |
M |
Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport |
v.11(2001)- |
Print |
K10 .O87345 |
M |
Journal of Leisure Research |
v.1(1969)- |
Print |
GV1 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy |
v.18(1993)- |
Print |
RD701 .J69 |
M |
Journal of Physical Activity and Health |
v.3(2006)- |
Print |
GV481 .J698 |
M |
Journal of Physical Education |
v.1(1930)-v.62:4(Apr 1991) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Physical Education and Recreation |
v.46(1975)-v.52:4(Apr 1981) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance |
v.62(1991)- |
Print |
GV201 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance |
v.52:5(May 1981)-v.66(1995) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology |
v.28(2006)- |
Print |
GV706.4 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Sport Management |
v.15(2001)- |
Print |
GV713 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation |
v.14(2005)- |
Print |
RD97 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness |
v.18(1978)- |
Print |
RC1200 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |
v.20(2006)- |
Print |
GV711 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education |
v.20(2001)- |
Print |
GV363 .J68 |
M |
Men's Health |
v.18:11(Nov 2003)- |
Print |
RA777.8 M46 |
M |
Parks and Recreation |
v.1(1966)-v.34(1999) |
Print |
Archives 42A |
M |
Physical Educator |
v.19(1962)- |
Print |
GV201 .P56 |
M |
Physical Therapy |
v.50(1970)- |
Print |
RM695 .A53 |
M |
Physician and Sportsmedicine |
v.8(1980)-v.33(2005) |
Print |
RC1200 .P47 |
M |
Research Quarterly for
Exercise and Sport |
v.1(1930)-v.66(1995) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport |
v.57(1986)- |
Print |
GV201 .R4 |
M |
Scholastic Coach |
v.42(1972)-v.63(1993) |
Print |
Archives 43B |
M |
Scholastic Coach |
v.1(1931)-v.40(1971) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director |
v.64(1994)-v.65(1996) |
Print |
Archives 43B |
M |
Sociology of Sport Journal |
v.18(2001)- |
Print |
GV706.5 .S653 |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
v.66(1987)-v.71(1989) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
v.72(1990)- |
Print |
GV561 .S733 |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
v.32(1970)-v.65(1986) |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
v.69(1988)-v.85(1997) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
SRLA Newsletter |
v.14(2007)- |
Print |
Newsletter |
M |
Strategies |
v.2(1988)- |
Print |
GV223 .S77 |
M |
Street and Smith's SportsBusiness Journal |
previous three months |
Print |
GV716 .S77 |
M |
Strength and Conditioning Journal |
v.28(2006)- |
Print |
GV711.5 .S77 |
M |
Teaching Elementary Physical Education |
v.13(2002)-v.17:6(Nov 2006) |
Print |
GV443 .T43 |
M |
Therapeutic Recreation Journal |
v.14(1980)-v.32(1998) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
AAHPEER Journal |
V.22-30;1956-1959 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal |
V.5- ;2001- |
Print |
Shelf 1A |
M |
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and
Recreation Research Quarterly |
V.46-47;1975-1976 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
American Association for Heath, Physical Education and
Recreation Journal |
V.1-21;1930-1950, V.31-37;1960-1966 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
American Association fro Health, Physical Education and
Recreation Research Quarterly |
V.1-37;1930-1966, V.44-45;1973-1974 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Athletic Journal |
V.56-67;1975-1987 |
Print |
Shelf 3B |
M |
Athletic Therapy Today |
V.10- ;2005- |
Print |
Shelf 3B |
M |
Dance Magazine |
V.34-59;1960-1987 |
Print |
Shelf 38A |
M |
V.7- ;2004- |
Print |
Shelf 33 (Oversize) |
M |
Golf |
V.45- ;2003- |
Print |
Shelf 9B |
M |
International Journal of Sport Finance |
V.1- ;2006- |
Print |
Shelf 11A |
M |
International Yoga Guide |
V.34- ;1996- |
Print |
Shelf 30 |
M |
JOPERD: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance |
V.62- ;1991- |
Print |
Shelf 40B |
M |
Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental
and Exercise Physiology |
V.48- ;1980- |
Print |
Shelf 12A |
M |
Journal of Athletic Training |
V.31- ;1996- |
Print |
Shelf 12A |
M |
Journal of Health Physical Education and Recreation |
V.41-51;1970-1980 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Health Physical Education Recreation |
V.38-40;1967-1969 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Legal Aspects of Sports |
V.11- ;2001- |
Print |
Shelf 14B |
M |
Journal of Leisure Research |
V.1- ;1969- |
Print |
Shelf 14B |
M |
Journal of Physical Activity and Health |
V.3- ;2006- |
Print |
Shelf 16A |
M |
Journal of Physical Education and Recreation |
V.51-52;1980-1981 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance |
V.52-66;1981-1995 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology |
V.28- ;2006- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Journal of Sport Management |
V.15- ;2001- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Journal of Sport Rehabilitation |
V.14- ;2005- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness |
V.18- ;1978- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |
V.20- ;2006- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education |
V.20- ;2001- |
Print |
Shelf 16B |
M |
Physical Educator |
V.33- ;1976- |
Print |
Shelf 21A |
M |
Quest (National Association for Physical Education in
Higher Education) |
V.2-5;1964-1965, V.7-12;1966-1969, V.14-21;1970-1974,
V.23-27;1975-1977, V.29-50;1978-1998 |
Print |
Shelf 23B |
M |
Research Quarterly |
V.38-43;1967-1972, V.48-50;1977-1979 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport |
V.51-66;1980-1995 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport |
V.57- ;1986- |
Print |
Shelf 24A |
M |
Scholastic Coach |
V.1-40;1931-1971 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Scholastic Coach |
V.42-63;1972-1994 |
Print |
Shelf 24B |
M |
Scholastic Coach & Athletic Director |
V.64-66;1994-1996 |
Print |
Shelf 24B |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
V.28-71;1968-1989 |
Print |
Archives 57A |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
V.32-65;1970-1986 |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
V.69-85;1988-1997 |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Sports Illustrated |
V.68-87;1988-1997 |
Microfiche |
Microform Cabinet |
W |
Sports Illustrated |
V.72- ;1990- |
Print |
Shelf 27A |
M |
Strategies: Journal for Physical & Sports Educators |
V.2- ;1988- |
Print |
Shelf 27B |
M |
Strength and Conditioning Journal |
V.28- ;2006- |
Print |
Shelf 27B |
M |
Teaching Elementary Physical Education |
V.13-17;2002-2006 |
Print |
Shelf 27B |
M |