Current Print and Microform Periodical Holdings by Subject
For electronic journal holdings (with full-text articles) please visit the COMPLETE LIST OF ONLINE AND PRINT JOURNALS.
Holdings |
Format |
Shelf/Call # |
Loc. |
American Speech |
v.55(1980)- |
Print |
PE2601 .A6 |
M |
Applied Language Learning |
v.15(2005)- |
Print |
P129 .A663 |
M |
Argumentation and Advocacy |
v.38(2001)-v.44:2(2007) |
Print |
PN4171 .A46a |
M |
Communication Arts |
v.21(1979)-v.29(1987), v.46(2004)- |
Print |
NC997 .A1 C2 |
M |
Communication Education |
v.25(1976)- |
Print |
PN4071 .S74 |
M |
Communication Theory |
v.16(2006)- |
Print |
P87 .C59737 |
M |
Editor and Publisher |
v.133(2000)- |
Print |
PN4700 .E4 |
M |
Et Cetera |
v.32(1975)- |
Print |
B840 .E85 |
M |
Film News |
v.34(1977)-v.38(1981) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Films in Review |
v.30(1979)-v.48(1997) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Howard Journal of Communications |
v.16(2005)- |
Print |
P87 .H68 |
M |
Human Communication Research |
v.3(1977)- |
Print |
P91.3 .H85 |
M |
Journal of Broadcasting |
v.23(1979)-v.28(1984) |
Print |
PN1991 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media |
v.29(1985)- |
Print |
PN1991 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Business Communication |
v.33(1996)- |
Print |
HF5718 .J6 |
W |
Journal of Child Language |
v.17(1990)- |
Print |
P118 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Communication |
v.2(1952)-v.58(2008) |
Print |
P87 .J6 |
M |
Journal of Mass Media Ethics |
v.15(2000)- |
Print |
P94 .J68 |
M |
Journal of Media Economics |
v.13(2000)- |
Print |
P96 .E252 U645 |
M |
Journal of Phonetics |
v.29(2001)- |
Print |
P221 .J69 |
M |
Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly |
v.72(1995)- |
Print |
PN4700 .J7 |
M |
Journalism Quarterly |
v.14(1937)-v.71(1994) |
Print |
PN4700 .J7 |
M |
New Leader |
v.55(1972)-v.88(2005) |
Print |
HX3 .N35 |
M |
Photo Techniques |
v.17(1996)- |
Print |
TR287 .D375 |
M |
Popular Photography (0032-4582) |
v.89(1982)-v.90(1983), v.97(1990)-v.100(1993),
[renumerated in 1994] v.58(1994)-v.66(2002) |
Print |
TR1 .P8846 |
M |
Popular Photography (1944-0510) |
v.72:6(June 2008)- |
Print |
TR1 .P8846 |
M |
Popular Photography and Imaging |
v.67(2003)-v.72:2(Feb 2008) |
Print |
TR1 .P8846 |
M |
Presstime |
v.11(1989)-v.25(2003) |
Print |
PN4700 .P74 |
M |
Quarterly Journal of Speech |
v.1(1915)-v.69(1983) |
Microfilm |
Microform Cabinet |
M |
Quarterly Journal of Speech |
v.70(1984)- |
Print |
PN4071 .Q3 |
M |
Southern Speech Communication Journal |
v.39(1973)-v.53(1988) |
Print |
Archives 44A |
M |