220 Jackson Hall - Industrial Arts Bldg
The WRITE Studio is a facility designed to provide students with access to support and services to enhance their writing as they prepare to become active participants in their fields. Through the creation of a genuinely interdisciplinary and interdepartmental WRITE Studio, WRITE recognizes the importance of a prominent, accessible, and attractive facility on campus providing a dedicated physical location for WRITE tutoring, workshops, and other activities.
The arrangement of the space facilitates interpersonal
interaction and maximizes flexibility for a variety of WRITE
activities including workshops. The WRITE Studio reinforces the program's
philosophy of writing as a craft and discipline. The facility
itself conveys this vision of writing, above all, as the appropriate
concern of good students and good writers desiring to achieve
211 Jackson Hall -
Industrial Arts Bldg
The WRITE Training Room is a space designed for and committed to providing
faculty development for all aspects of WRITE. Much like the WRITE Studio, this
room is technologically enhanced with a smart board, projector, and laptops for
faculty members to work and collaborate on writing pedagogy, use of rubrics,
assessment, and other issues associated with the WRITE Program.
Photo Gallery