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        KEAN HALL, a simplified Art Deco style gymnasium erected in 1951 at a cost of $1,500,000 was dedicated Wednesday, November 25, 1953. The structure is located on the south side of the campus at John Merritt Boulevard and 33rd Avenue, North. The building contained at the time of its construction a gymnasium, health, physical education and recreation classroom, laboratories, staff offices, and facilities for indoor intramural sports, staff and student recreation and physical therapy. The building was vacated in 1980 when the HPER moved to the new GENTRY CENTER COMPLEX. The 300,000 renovation approved in 1986-1987 connected the building to the new campus center in 1991 called the OTIS L. FLOYD AND JOSEPH A. PAYNE CAMPUS CENTER. The building became a recreational facility for the general campus population. It also serves as the headquarters for the Air Force ROTC, offices for the football staff, offices and the academic and sports Hall of Fame.

1894 - 1955

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        Henry Arthur Kean served as head of the department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation; director of athletics, and head football coach from 1944 to 1955. He produced five national championship teams. Known as "The Fox" by his football competitors, Mr. Kean was one of the most highly regarded and successful coaches in the nation.